Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Alessia Milano, ND

Dr. Alessia Milano is our clinic co-founder and our chief Naturopathic Doctor focusing on PCOS, hormones, and fertility. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Milano.

Dr. Hayhlee Clarence, ND

Dr. Hayhlee Clarence is our clinic co-founder and our chief Naturopathic Doctor focusing on cancer care, and perimenopause / menopause. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Clarence.

Dr. Mitchell Schroeder, ND

Dr. Mitchell Schroeder is a Naturopathic Doctor whose practice is focused on Digestive Health and Fibromyalgia, as well as other chronic pain conditions (Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis, Lupus). To learn more about his practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Schroeder.

Dr. Kelly Clinning, ND

Dr. Kelly Clinning is a Naturopathic Doctor with a passion for treating women’s health and hormonal health with a particular focus on fertility. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Clinning.

Dr. Alexandra Sisam, ND

Dr. Alexandra Sisam is a Naturopathic Doctor and Reiki Practitioner. Her practice is focused on mental health and supporting the mind body condition. She has a special interest in eating disorders, anxiety, depression and trauma. To learn more about her practice contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Sisam.

Dr. Monica Velletri, ND

Dr. Monica Velletri is a Naturopathic Doctor whose practice is focused on cancer care, thyroid conditions (hyper/hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease), and perimenopause / menopause. To learn more about her practice contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Velletri.

Dr. Jessica Nazareth, ND

Dr. Jessica Nazareth is a Naturopathic Doctor focusing on reproductive and hormonal health. She has a special interest in vulvovaginal health, from vaginal infections and menstrual concerns to painful sex and low libido. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Nazareth.

DR. Simone Pirita, ND

Dr. Simone Pirita is a Naturopathic Doctor and Birth Doula. Her practice is focused on skin and women’s health. She has a special interest in acne, the mind-skin-gut-connection, and hormonal health including fertility and prenatal care. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Pirita.

dr. amanda guthrie, nd, RP

Dr. Amanda Guthrie is a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Psychotherapist dedicated to holistic and evidence-based mental healthcare. Her practice focuses on treating stress, anxiety disorders and depression. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Guthrie.

Registered Psychotherapists


nikki bianchi, rp (qualifying)

Nikki is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Her practice is focused on nurturing the mental health and well-being of women and girls through the lifecycle. She has a special interest in authenticity, self-identity, and self-worth, and is passionate about empowering her clients to show up for themselves and as themselves in the world. To learn more about her practice, contact us, or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Nikki.

Meaghan George, rp (qualifying)

Meaghan is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Her priority is creating a safe and non-judgemental space for clients to freely express themselves. She cares deeply about working respectfully with clients to access their inner resources, helping them to find ways to heal and thrive. To learn more about her practice, contact us, or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Meaghan.




erin milks, cnp

Erin Milks is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP), know commonly as a Holistic Nutritionist. Her practice focuses on designing custom nutrition plans that work with you, your needs, and your habits. To learn more about her practice, contact us or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Erin.