Nutritional Counselling

nutritional counselling
Life stressors, sleep patterns, exercise and emotional well-being are connected to and affected by what we put on our plates
What is Nutritional Counselling?
Holistic Nutrition is more than what you eat and managing symptoms triggered by food. It takes into consideration how life stressors, sleep patterns, exercise and emotional well-being are connected to and affected by what we put on our plates. These factors affect the efficacy of food as fuel. It’s a cyclical and synergistic relationship that a Holistic Nutritionist can help you work through!
How We Can Help
Life is stressful enough without having to carefully consider what we put into our bodies for fuel. We also have to manage symptoms, and meet day-to-day time constraints and responsibilities. Now with the addition of food intolerances, allergies, additives, chemicals, nutrient depletion in our soil and rampant convenience foods, navigating what to eat feels even more like a minefield these days.
We take the hard work out of it, examining your specific needs and preferences and providing you with customized meal-plans, shopping lists and guidelines for alleviating those afternoon energy slumps, that uncomfortable bloating, anxiety or feelings of being burnt out!
What is a Holistic Nutritionist?
A Holistic Nutritionist has an in-depth understanding of metabolic processes, systemic functioning, hormonal pathways and the nutrients needed to assist in the proper functioning of it all. We’re taught about the intricacies of the human body, in an attempt to understand from the ground up what food and lifestyle practices help our bodies to operate optimally, avoid illness, adverse symptoms and work preventatively for our futures. The body systems are intricately linked, and without this background knowledge, it can be very easy to continue to support it’s under-functioning, standing in our own way of thriving and living our lives to the fullest. Simple nutrition and lifestyle changes alleviate these roadblocks. Our holistic nutritionist is equipped to provide nutritional guidelines and meal plans that are targeted to your needs and individualized to your current circumstances and health history.
For example, you might not realize that that afternoon snack is actually leading you to be less productive, even if it gives you the initial boost that you crave. From there, it’s keeping you up at night by spiking your blood sugar, causing a poor night’s sleep and repeating all of the limiting patterns again day after day. You might not know that what you’re eating for dinner is actually keeping you awake at night with incessant thoughts and stress. Or maybe you’ve been trying intermittent fasting and you feel great at first, but as a woman it's exacerbating symptoms like PMS, headaches and anxiety.
Other challenges we can help you address
Burn out
Meal planning with food allergies or intolerances
Balancing family meal planning
Digestive disturbances (gas, bloating, constipation)
Chronic inflammation
Muscle recovery and exercise performance
What we eat, getting enough sleep, how we exercise, setting boundaries with stressors are all interconnected, and I am here to be the objective outside perspective. Together we will tweak your routines to have you feeling vibrant again!
What To Expect
We take the time to listen to where you’re at, appreciating the current lifestyle you are leading and finding ways to work within it to help you towards the healthiest and most beneficial nutritional routines. Everyone is unique and requires different care and guidance, and our programs are tailored to your success.
our holistic nutrition program
Identify Routines, Requirements, and Expectations - What is working for you? Here we work from exactly where you are at in terms of dietary preferences, what suits your weekly routines, family make-up and budgeting. We want these plans to be realistic and attainable, and the only way to do that is to first cover what your specific perimeters for success are!
Customize The Plan (Meal Plans, Shopping Lists, Recipes) – What do you need to succeed? Do you need to follow a strict 7-day meal plan? Do you enjoy some creativity with your meals and just need guidelines of which foods to eliminate or introduce? This is the portion of the program where we give you as much or as little as you need to thrive independently.
Follow Up Support (How Are You Doing? Time To Change Tactics?) – For the next three to six months, let’s work together. Check-ins can come frequently and span fewer months, or less frequently and be spread out over the course of six months. It’s up to you! But during this period of time, we are here to work alongside you to keep you accountable and support you when changes need to be made or new tactics need to be acquired.
Optional: Revamp The Plan! – We want to set you up to succeed and thrive on your own, but everyone needs a check-in once in a while. We will follow-up with clients and always accept requests for check-ins. Life changes and with that our patterns and plans must adjust to mirror our new needs. 6 months after we send you off on your own to thrive, things will be different, and we are happy to help you adjust to that new normal.
If you’re looking for assistance with nutrition and lifestyle changes but want to discuss further, please contact the clinic to learn more!
Looking for Support?
Erin Milks, Cnp, holistic nutritionist
Erin Milks is our clinic Nutritionist focused on providing individualized and holistic nutritional support. To learn more about her practice, read more here, or book a complimentary meet-and-greet with Erin.