Deciding that you would like to start expanding your family can be such a beautiful and exciting time in life, but if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, these feelings of excitement can start to be overshadowed by fear, frustration, and confusion. In this blog we go over exactly HOW Hashimoto’s impacts fertility so you can go into trying to conceive from a place of knowledge rather than fear!
Read MoreMaking dietary changes can be difficult and confusing because there is so much contradicting information on which foods or "diets" are best for optimizing your thyroid function and Hashimoto’s. The key to any dietary changes is ensuring that they are sustainable long-term!
Read MoreIf you have a thyroid condition and have done some Googling, you’ve probably come across many blogs saying that a gluten-free diet is a must in order for your thyroid health to improve and for you to feel better. Maybe you’ve tried going gluten-free and it made you feel much better, or maybe it didn’t make a difference at all. So is gluten-free the way to go or not?
Read MoreHave you ever been told that your thyroid function is normal since your TSH is within the "normal range"? Or maybe your TSH is higher than the range stated on the lab report, but it's not "high enough" to initiate treatment, so you're told to watch and wait. Whether you're having symptoms but your TSH appears to be "normal," or if your TSH is high but you're not comfortable with the watch and wait approach, there's more to the puzzle we can (and should) look into!
Read MoreLymphatic massage has received a lot of attention over the last few years. From weight loss to detox abilities, there is a lot of information being put out there about lymphatic massage and what it can do for your health!
Since it’s the new year, and many people are interested in the idea of ‘detoxing’ this time of year, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to set the record straight! Can lymphatic massage really help with detoxification?
Read MoreFor some, New Years' resolutions can feel like a hamster wheel of disappointment: you head into January with fresh energy & great intentions but by February you've reverted to the same old habits. This year, let's do this differently. In this blog, we go through some habit-forming nutrition-based goals that are accessible, attainable, and most importantly, sustainable!
Read MoreIn this blog, I’m going to take you through my ultimate guide to making lasting behaviour changes. I’ll circle back to how I fit this into my life, so you understand the highs, lows, and intricacies of actually making a change stick around. Hopefully afterwards, you’ll feel confident you can do it too 😊
Read MoreYou’ve likely heard that excessive stress can have negative impacts on our health. In fact, many of us have associated the word stress with something harmful. But is stress truly as bad as everyone says it is? In this blog, we go over the differences between acute and chronic stress, what happens to our bodies in the face of stress, and how we can break this cycle.
Read MoreWhen we look at supporting our mental health and stress levels, sometimes it’s more about understanding ourselves better, understanding what soothes us, and not necessarily ridding ourselves of those feelings (or negative behaviours) entirely. This might not always look like the healthiest option, but it certainly will help us navigate where these feelings are originating from and set us on a trajectory for better mental health and stress resiliency. This is called harm reduction.
Read MoreCircling back to the biggest question we receive at the clinic - do you actually need to eliminate gluten? In this blog, we chat about the connection between gluten and autoimmune disease specifically, and go through the research we have available looking at how gluten impacts the body.
Read MoreEnvironmental exposures in the form of “toxicants” play a role in infertility and increase the risk of negative outcomes in both the mother and the baby. There are a variety of ways that environmental toxicants can negatively affect fertility in both males and females.
Read MoreMercury is a heavy metal that is ubiquitous in the environment and has been known to contribute to a number of health issues and diseases such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and neurological issues. Read on to learn more about how mercury exposure might be affecting you!
Read MoreAs a Naturopathic Doctor with a focus on Environmental Medicine, one of my favourite subjects to discuss is Detoxification and Elimination, because of how important each of these functions are to the body’s ability to stay healthy. I find that conversations around the body’s functions of detoxification and elimination are often minimalized and oversimplified, if not overlooked. In this blog, we’ll be going over some strategies to support our body’s natural detoxification processes!
Read MoreAs a continuation to last week’s discussion, we know this time of year can be very stressful when it comes to food! This week we’re chatting about how to set yourself up nutritionally to cope with the stress and anxiety of the holidays. Here are a few simple nutritional tips to make this time a year a bit more manageable!
Read MoreThere is something about the holidays and holiday eating that holds a certain “stress” associated with it. If you find that you are feeling out of control with food, anxious around food, or if you are experiencing obsessions or compulsions around food, it does not have to be this way. Here are some simple things that you can try this holiday season to feel empowered around food, no matter what your actual food choices are.
Read MoreOne of the many nutrients gaining popularity over the last few years is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is often known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” due to our ability to acquire it from our skin’s exposure to sunlight. Sadly, during the winter months, our exposure to vitamin D plummets. Read on to learn about the importance of vitamin D and how you can protect yourself in the winter!
Read MorePerimenopause and menopause can be a highly unpleasant and uncomfortable time, often leading to feelings of lack of control over our bodies. Luckily, there’s a lot we can do to help support this transition with nutritional therapy.
Read MoreWhen we fall pregnant, we often assume certain self-care treatments and practices are just off the table. Many of us wrongly assume that massage therapy isn’t something that can be accessed safely while pregnant. Luckily, registered massage therapy is not only safe, but highly effective and potentially helpful to individuals who are pregnant!
Read MoreMold exposure and related illness has become very important in the last few years, especially when it comes to many chronic and severe health issues. When present, the impact of mold on health cannot be understated. Unfortunately mold illness is often a challenge to figure out, as it can take some time to show up! Read on to learn more.
Read MoreAdjusting how we eat can do wonders for mental and physical health. But there is a time and place for every individual. You want to find the diet that serves YOU best at a time when you’re not going to drain your resources further. The best changes we can make are those that are sustainable.
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